Welcome to September

Welcome to September!

Whether it be customers, clients, networks, or us as business owners September is often viewed as a new beginning. It is a time to take stock, set priorities and catch up on the dos and enhancements we’ve put off over the summer.

Also, as we approach the 4th quarter of the year, it is a good time to revisit your business plan and your experiences to date and to prepare and implement your short-term goals and strategies to finish off the year. 

Here are a few things to consider - to get you thinking:

  • Evaluate, alter or change your product or service offerings to reflect the upcoming seasons.

  • Review what you are learning about your ideal client and what changes to your marketing messages would better connect with your target audience.

  • Reconnect with clients and your warm market to remind them that you are available.

  • Plan to expand your market by meeting new people.  Perhaps 5 fresh contacts per week.

  • Can you collaborate with competitors and/or alliances to create a larger marketing impact?  Joint advertising or fall fairs for example.

  • Create one profound initiative this season.  What positive action could you take to grab attention, create instant demand and yet have a ripple effect for weeks to come?

  • As always, don’t forget about the bookkeeping.  GST forms will be due for some at the end of the quarter, and the year-end for proprietorships is December 31st.

  • Have some fun! Remember we did this because we love it and are pursuing our dreams.


Four Traits Of A Small Business Owner